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Model changes
Number of available RINEX files
Number of files delivering GPS/GLO/GAL/BEI
Number of satellites
Number of satellites per system
Number of RINEX header inconsistencies
Number of rejected files
Number of files
Maximum RMS of satellite orbit fitting
Maximum RMS of CODSPP
Number of iterations (RESCHK)
Residual screening with RESCHK
Ambiguity resolution: WL
Ambiguity resolution: NL
Ambiguity resolution: L5
Ambiguity resolution: L3
Ambiguity resolution: QIF
Ambiguity resolution: L1/L2
ADDNEQ daily solution F1

Model changes

Model changes:
2014, 250: EUREF routine processing with DAILY.PCF
2016, 192: BSW52 -> BSW53, GR -> GREC, GMF -> VMF APL
2017, 029: Antenna model E08 -> E14, IGS14
2017, 218: New orbit models improving Galileo fits at LPT
2017, 253: Improved POLUPD handling
2018, 049: Improved ambiguity resolution (L5/L3 & L1/L2 für GLO)
2019, 279: Code final-rapid instead MGEX orbits, GREC -> GRE,
           ESA PCO/PCV values for Galileo satellites
2020, 138: Reference frame change IGS14 -> IGB14
2020, 320: Updated BSW version (and switch from redhat6 to redhat8)
2020, 362: Improved multi-GNSS ambiguity resolution (WL/NL, code screening by system for MW)
2021, 066: BeiDou 3 satellite infos added to metadata files (satellite info + ATX file)
2021, 150: Thermal radiation option activated for Galileo ORBGEN fit at PNAC
2022, 282: Improved QIF ambiguity resolution activated for Galileo
2022, 331: Reference frame change IGB14 -> IGS20; PCV_LPT.E14 -> ANT_I20I20 & SATELLIT_I20
           CODE final rapid orbits -> CODE final orbits
           Meanpole model: IERS2010 -> IERS2010_v1.2.0
           Subdaily ERP model: IERS2010XY -> DESAI2016
           Troposphere model: VMF1 -> VMF3
           Troposphere SNX file: v0.01 -> v2.00
           Atmospheric tidal loading: VAPL.ATL deactivated
           No observations used from uncalibrated frequencies

Number of available RINEX files

Number of available RINEX files

Number of files delivering GPS/GLO/GAL/BEI

Number of files delivering GPS/GLO/GAL/BEI

Total number of satellites

Total number of satellites

Number of satellites per system

Number of satellites per system

Number of rejected files

Number of rejected files

Number of files

Number of files

Number of RINEX header inconsistencies

Number of RINEX header inconsistencies

Maximum RMS of satellite orbit fitting

Maximum RMS of satellite orbit fitting

Maximum RMS of CODSPP

Maximum RMS of CODSPP

Number of iterations (RESCHK)

Number of iterations (RESCHK)

Residual screening with RESCHK

Residual screening with RESCHK

Ambiguity resolution: WL

Ambiguity resolution: WL

Ambiguity resolution: NL

Ambiguity resolution: NL

Ambiguity resolution: L5

Ambiguity resolution: L5

Ambiguity resolution: L3

Ambiguity resolution: L3

Ambiguity resolution: QIF

Ambiguity resolution: QIF

Ambiguity resolution: L1/L2

Ambiguity resolution: L1/L2

ADDNEQ daily solution F1

ADDNEQ daily solution F1