Status of site CABW

20-May-2019 08:50:02

swisstopo pnac
A: Data B: Meteo C: Coordinates Detailed station information: DPGA


Hourly data availability (RINEX 2/3)
Daily data availability (RINEX 2/3)
Number of observations (RINEX 2/3) last day
Multipath of observations (RINEX 2/3) last day
Multipath of observations (RINEX 2/3) last month
Detailed summary of data quality plots (RINEX 2/3)
Skyplot (RINEX 2/3)
Long-term daily TEQC performance values
Troposphere weekly validation
Troposphere long-term (FODITS)
Troposphere long-term (annual fit)
Long-term troposphere difference to radio sonde (if collocated)
Troposphere short baseline validation (double stations only)
Short baseline coordinate repeatability (double stations only)
Long-term daily coordinate repeatability and fft
Long-term daily intersystem translation parameters
Monthly intersystem translation parameters (final daily)
Monthly coordinate repeatability (final daily)
Monthly coordinate repeatability (daily + hourly)
Coordinate repeatability last hours
Troposphere monitoring
Troposphere monitoring for EUMETNET
PPP: Static coordinates
PPP: Kinematic coordinates
PPP: Troposphere
PPP: Receiver clock
PPP: Daily intersystem translation parameters

Hourly data availability (RINEX 2/3)

Sess: 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
CABW |                                                            |   0.0%
CABW |                                                            |   0.0%
-=<0min; 1=0-5min; 2=5-10min; 3=10-15min; ...; +=>45min;

Daily data availability (RINEX 2/3)

Sess: 000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111
CABW |111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111   |  95.0%
CABW |                                                            |   0.0%
-=<0h; 1=0-6h; 2=6-12h; 3=12-18h; ...; +=>2d6h;

Number of observations (RINEX 2/3) last day

Number of observations (RINEX 2) of CABW last day

Multipath of observations (RINEX 2/3) last day

Multipath of observations (RINEX 2) of CABW last day

Multipath of observations (RINEX 2/3) last month

Multipath of observations (RINEX 2) of CABW last month

Detailed summary of data quality plots (RINEX 2/3)

anubis summary RINEX 2


Skyplot (RINEX 2/3)

Skyplot (RINEX 2) of CABW

Long-term daily TEQC performane values

Troposphere weekly validation

Troposphere long-term (FODITS)

Troposphere long-term (annual fit)

Long-term troposphere difference to radio sonde (if collocated)

Troposphere difference to radio sonde for CABW

Troposphere short baseline validation (double stations only)

Short baseline coordinate repeatability (double stations only)

Long-term daily coordinate repeatability and fft

Long-term daily intersystem translation parameters

Monthly intersystem translation parameters (final daily)

Monthly coordinate repeatability (final daily)

Monthly coordinate repeatability (daily + hourly)

Monthly time series of CABW

Coordinate repeatability last hours

Time series last hours of CABW

Troposphere monitoring

Tropo time series last days of CABW

Troposphere monitoring for EUMETNET

Tropo time series last days of CABW for EUMETNET

PPP: Static coordinates

PPP: Coordinate repeatability last days of CABW

PPP: Kinematic coordinates

PPP: Kinematic coordinate repeatability last days of CABW

PPP: Troposphere

PPP: Troposphere last days of CABW

PPP: Receiver clock

PPP: Receiver clock biases last days of CABW

PPP: Daily intersystem translation parameters